Facts bout driving in Japan:
Jepang termasuk negara yg paling susah ngasi SIM karena standar yg tinggi.
Semua orang (Jepang/asing) yg belum pernah punya SIM kudu ambil kursus dulu untuk dapet SIM.
You need to attend around 25 hours indoor class, and at least 35 hours outdoor class to complete the whole course.
The whole course is in Japanese (oh yeah baby!)
Biaya kursus nyetir buat SIM mobil manual sekitar 25-30 juta kalo dirupiahin.
If you don't pass the test, you need to repeat and pay extra money.
(there is no such thing as free lunch)
More than 80% of the course lesson is about safety and danger prediction, that's why accident rate is very low.
The very first lesson is about being nice and kind to other people for the sake of smooth traffic.
Harga mobil di Jepang sangat murah, tapi maintenancenya sangat mahal.
Pejalan kaki adalah Raja.
*after everything I get tru and all those extra classes that cost me my whole saving